The Alternative Performance Collective. Jason Grossman hosts what Ed Sullivan might have done if he were alive and living in lower
Manhattan. Songwriters, comics, dancers, sketch comedians, actors,
monologists and just about anyone with something to express is ample fodder for the likes of these shows.
A collage of FS artists including in clock-wise order: Eddie Pepitone, Renee Torriere, Michal
the Girl, Don Jamieson and Jeffrey Gurian, Jon Berger, The Hillary Step, Testosterone Kills, Leanna Conley, Timothy Joseph
Ryan, Karen Michelle Wright, Haale, Kenny Davidsen, Jason Grossman, Sharon Fogarty, Joe Bendik and Al Quagliata, Tony Hightower,
Sharon and Karen Christie Ward in the middle.
"A vaudevillian smorgasbord... 20 acts did their thing, while audiences wandered giddily back and forth."
"Multiple Maniacs... 'Sheesh' the One." DAILY NEWS
"Twenty artists storm the stage in the
newest presentation of the modern vaudeville festival." THE VILLAGE VOICE
"Incredible variety show." 15 MINUTES
PHOTO CREDITS: All photos on this site were taken by Tony Hightower, Jon Berger, Jason Grossman or Ian de Planque. Thanks